Rose Heating Blog

Harmful Cleaning Products You Should Stop Using Today

Cleaning products play a major role in improving the appearance, sanitariness and quality of a home. Different chemicals come together to wipe away grime, kill germs and improve the hominess. However, while these chemicals are great at keeping our home’s clean, certain toxic cleaning products contain chemicals that are unnatural and not healthy for humans or animals to be exposed to. Though they can bring other benefits in our home’s appeal, these harmful cleaning products are not worth the risk of keeping in your home.

Products that contain Phthalates

Found in many items that advertise the word “fragrance” on the label, phthalates have been reported to affect male fertility. Though companies are not required to include phthalates on the product label, watch for this toxin in plugin and spray scents, hand soaps and even toilet paper.

Remedy: Utilize organic and natural products. Open up windows and place houseplants in order to naturally freshen up your air.

Perchloroethylene (Perc) containing products

You can find the infamous “Perc” in spot cleaners, dry cleaning products and upholstery and carpet cleaners. Perc is a neurotoxin and a potential carcinogen that can cause dizziness, loss of coordination and other side effects. This is especially harmful for residents that share a living space in a building with a dry cleaning business.

Remedy: Ask your dry cleaner or look into more natural “wet cleaning” solutions that can safely clean your clothes and drapery that would traditional require dry cleaning.

Dish and hand soaps with Triclosan

Triclosan is a very aggressive antibacterial agent. This sounds like a good thing, however, studies have  not shown that the microbes that Triclosan targets have a negative effect on our bodies. Thus, when the bacteria adjusts and evolves to become immune to Triclosan, it will not only render the product’s “anti-bacterial” claim useless, it will potentially evolve beyond medical antibiotics that we need to stay healthy.

Remedy: Stay clear of products with an “anti-bacterial” claim. Replace these dish soaps and hand soaps with natural or organic products.

Fabric softeners and dryer sheets

Many liquid fabric softeners and dryer sheets contain Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quat), which is an antibacterial that, for the same reasons as Triclosan, is detrimental for your family’s health.

Remedy: Liquid fabric softeners can be replaced with white vinegar.

A natural disinfectant can be created at home by mixing a few drops of antifungal tea-tree oil with a tablespoon of vinegar with water in a spray bottle that can be used to disinfect your home. Add a natural essential oil to the mix for a pleasant and safe scent.

Other chemicals to avoid in your home are 2-Butoxyethanol, Ammonia, Chlorine and Sodium Hydroxide. While it is always safe practice to avoid direct contact with cleaning chemicals, many chemicals when released into the air, have negative effects on homeowners and home occupants. At Rose Heating, we do more than just service HVAC units. We advocate for our fellow Portland locals and the integrity of their indoor air quality and health. For a test of your home’s indoor air quality, contact Rose Heating today!


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