Rose Heating Blog

The Cutting Edge: 3 HVAC Advancements & Upgrades Every Homeowner Should Know Of

Technology has changed the way that we do most things from connecting with family and friends to buying goods and services. But technological innovation doesn’t stop at your smartphone or other portable electronics. Portland homeowners can also look forward to convenient home cooling and heating with new advancements in HVAC technology.

HVAC Upgrades You Need to Know

The HVAC industry is constantly working on developing solutions that make it easier and more cost-effective to create the ideal home environment. Whether you are upgrading your HVAC system or deciding which system to place in a new home, every homeowner should know about these 3 HVAC advancements and upgrades:

1. Smart Ventilation and Temperature Control

Though smart thermostats have been on the market for a while, they continue to be popular among homeowners because they help make it simple and convenient to keep the home environment comfortable. These devices connect to the internet, allowing you to control temperatures from your smart phone. This helps save energy by allowing you to adjust heating and cooling settings when you are not home and using the space. Smart ventilation is another energy-saving technology that helps you create a more comfortable environment for everyone in your family. These smart vents allow you to set air flow, humidity, and other HVAC controls so that each room offers optimal comfort levels.

2. Motion-sensor Cooling

Much like motion-sensor lights, motion-sensor cooling starts to kick in when a person or group of people enter and occupy a room. Though this technology is particularly effective for larger, commercial spaces with off-hours when no one is occupying the building, it can also have potential to help homeowners save money on energy costs. The sensor triggers hot or cool air flow when people enter an area. This technology makes it possible for homeowners to only use energy to heat or cool the rooms or areas of the home where people are. This cuts down on the energy used to heat or cool empty or rarely-utilized spaces, helping you save more money on energy costs.

3. Thermally-Driven Air Conditioning

Thermal-powered air conditioners use solar energy to cool your home, offering an affordable alternative to conventional HVAC units. This HVAC technology uses solar panels to generate a high enough temperature to power a double-chiller system, which keeps the home cool while getting rid of electricity costs. If you run out of solar energy sources, you can still keep your home cool with this AC by supplementing solar energy with natural gas. As more advancements are made in energy-efficient HVAC systems, homeowners may start to have an abundance of options for HVAC systems that require less electricity.

Need help choosing the HVAC system upgrade that’s right for you? We’d be happy to help. Give us a call today to discuss your options with an HVAC expert.

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