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The Benefits Of Increased Energy Efficiency

The impact of poor energy planning affects the environment, state governments and consumers. Acquiring energy takes a toll on the environment by depleting natural resources and emitting byproducts of energy consumption into the atmosphere. States are affected by poor energy planning for several reasons, including a lack of best practices, few incentives for utility companies to practice energy efficiency and investments in power plant projects, to name a few. Finally, consumers are affected daily by the costs associated with managing a home and transportation. Efforts to increase energy efficiency have a positive effect on everyone involved.

Why Should Consumers Lower Their Energy Costs?

In 2010, more than 15 percent of United States residents lived in poverty, according to data collected by the National Poverty Center.

Energy is one of the most important household components that provides a sanitary and safe living environment. For the vulnerable, such as the United States’ children living in poverty, improving energy efficiency ensures that household’s avoid utility shut-off and enjoy the basic comforts available at home.

Lowering the cost of energy is not just about saving money; it helps decrease the impact energy consumption has on the environment.

What Advancements are Being Made in Energy Efficiency?

At the state level, great strides have been made to increase energy efficiency, according to a report released by the National Governors Association. Governors around the country support energy efficiency initiatives by performing a range of tasks that help consumers lower their energy costs. For example, governors enhance state-level involvement by improving energy efficiency rules and standards.

For example, governors conduct state-level analyses of energy planning and implement best practices for usage reduction. They also advance energy efficiency by providing incentives for utility companies to improve energy performance. In addition, governors are developing relationships with leaders in the research industry, such as universities, to ensure that energy initiatives are continued in the future. Furthermore, the development of better energy efficiency standards for buildings and appliances lessens the demand on the energy infrastructure. Governors are also supporting the development of innovation in financing to encourage the private sector’s involvement. Finally, information technology is being used to urge consumers and companies to engage in energy savings.

Governors are working hard at the state level to advance energy efficiency. Consumers, businesses and governments benefit from a reduction in spending on energy and the country’s most vulnerable, those living in poverty, undergo less stress when provided the tools necessary to reduce energy costs.

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