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Do HVAC Systems Emit Greenhouse Gases?

Greenhouse gases have an overwhelming effect on the ozone layer. The release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in small amounts, diffuses into the atmosphere and ultimately reaching the zone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth’s surface from harmful UV rays. This leaves the question, do HVAC systems emit greenhouse gases? The answer depends on the kind of HVAC you use to condition air for your home. Whether you use central air conditioners, outdoor AC units or portable air conditioners, be sure that considerable amounts of greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere.

Causes of the Greenhouse Gases in HVAC

The basic principle of air conditioner operation is that of introducing warm air when temperatures go down as well as creating cooler conditions when temperature soars above normal. The pump and electric coil transfer air between the outdoor and inside the home or building. Warm air in the home is normally removed through the condenser while the evaporator brings in cool air. All these processes may not be possible without a refrigerant that acts as a medium for transforming liquid to gas and gas to liquid. Refrigerants, made from chlorofluorocarbons, are the main source of greenhouse gases.

Why Refrigerants Emit Greenhouse Gases

All HVACs made in the 1900s used refrigerants made from CFCs. The huge number has an impact on the environment where continued emission for prolonged periods, releases the massive amount of greenhouse gases which slowly destroys the earth’s protector. However, in the last two decades, manufacturers have incorporated halogenated CFCs that emit less amount of greenhouse gases. This, though an improvement, still has a damaging effect on the ozone layer. The US government has directed manufacturers to phase out the use of HCFCs and CFCs by 2030. This is an environmental goal to reduce greenhouse gas emission and save the earth.

Recommendation by Environmental Experts

All energy efficient appliances including air conditioners have a SEER label as well as an approval Energy Star seal all which are set standards by the Department of Energy and Environmental Conservationists. Appliances or ACs with Energy Star label reveals that it is almost ten times energy efficient, as well as they, emit very little or no greenhouse gases at all.

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