Rose Heating Blog

Is Your HVAC System Protected From Power Surges?

Most homeowners know that home utilities, such as the hot water heater, air conditioning unit, HVAC system, boiler, and furnace or a major investment. These systems and appliances require regular upkeep and repairs. HVAC maintenance is important to keep your home at comfortable temperatures for anyone who enters, as well as reducing allergies and dust. However, many homeowners are not aware that protection from power surges is equally important.

How does a power surge occur?

A power surge happens when there is a momentary, yet significant, increase in voltage that passes through an electrical line. It is important to note that every appliance and electrical device in the home is meant to require and withstand a certain voltage amount of electricity. This momentary spike in voltage often results in permanent damage to electrical devices and appliances in the home.

What is the cause of a power surge?

Many different situations and factors can cause or contribute to a power surge. Common cause and factors can include:

• Lightning and Electrical Storms

• Downed Power Lines

• Faulty Building Wiring

• Power Outages

• Cycling On or Off of larger type appliances

• Maintenance at the power plant

• Bad Electrical Components

• Aged Electrical Components

Just like computers, televisions, and printers can be harmed by an electrical power surge, so can larger appliances and your home’s HVAC system. Repeated spikes and surges in your home’s utility appliances can cause wear and tear that over time can ruin a system. Many homeowners protect their smaller appliances and electronic devices with power surge protected power strips or with special anti-surge outlets, yet they forget to protect their larger, more expensive electronic assets. Forgetting to protect your home utilities and HVAC system can be a very costly mistake.

Home Power Surge Protection

If you know that you have not made provisions to protect your HVAC system, or are unsure if you are protected, now is the time to take action. Pick up the phone and call your trusted HVAC professionals. They can ensure that your home is protected in the event of a potentially damaging power surge.

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