Rose Heating Blog

Popular Ways To Save Money On Heating Costs

There are several reasons why Americans want to do everything possible to protect their hard-earned money. The amount of energy produced in America is soaring, but supply constraints are keeping the cost of energy high. In the Midwest, the demand for propane has increased significantly. Both natural gas and propane are in great demand.

The EIA says 90 percent of homeowners will end up paying more money to heat their home. Anyone who uses oil to heat their home will face the steepest price hike. After oil, propane is the second most expensive fuel right now. Electricity is the third most expensive heat source, and homeowners who use natural gas will pay less than everyone else.

Over half of the homes in America are heated with natural gas. The experts are saying that it will be very hard to cheaply heat a home this year. Increasing your thermostat’s temperature by a single degree will raise your heating cost by as much as 3 percent. However, if you keep your thermostat too low, you can set yourself up for a different kind of trouble.

Homeowners should always be aware of how much they lower their thermostat. If it’s turned down too low, pipes might freeze. When temperatures drop below freezing, homeowners should leave the faucets running slightly and open kitchen sink cabinets. For a proper energy audit, many homeowners are contacting a professional HVAC technician.

The purchase of a new furnace is a great way to reduce heating costs, which will increase heating efficiency. New furnaces happen to be very efficient, and they can use up to 97 percent of the energy stored in their fuel source. However, a gas furnace is not inexpensive. Advice from a professional can help homeowners find out how much money they can save on their heating costs.

A home’s heating load, cost of fuel and furnace efficiency are the three major factors used to determine heating efficiency. Many homeowners have been able to save money by finding government-funded rebates. However, it might be best to avoid replacing a furnace that still has a few years left.

Attic insulation and weather stripping can bring the cost of heat down. To discover where cold drafts are originating, homeowners can have their energy provider perform an energy audit. These are some of the best ways for homeowners to save money when it comes time to pay the utility bill.

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