Rose Heating Blog

How to Prepare Your Oregon Home for Winter

Winter is just around the corner, and homeowners need to make sure that their house is ready for the weather to come. As temperatures begin to plummet, it is important to make sure that your home is ready for one of the coldest seasons of the year. To avoid any property damage or having to suffer through an uncomfortable winter, use the tips below to ensure that your Portland home is ready to brave the winter ahead.

Tips for Getting Your Home Ready for Winter

Here are some simple tips for winterizing your Oregon home:

Inspect and repair any roof damage.

Check your roof for any loose, missing, or damaged shingles. These can allow water to leak from winter storms or melted snow. If you notice any roof damage, make sure to call in a professional to make repairs before the winter comes. This will help prevent further damage from roof leaks during the winter.

Get a heating tune-up.

It’s important to keep your heater maintained so that you can prevent malfunctions and breakdowns during the coldest time of the year. We recommend testing your heater before you start turning it on for the season and calling your Portland HVAC company for a pre-winter heater tune-up, where an HVAC technician will make sure your system is clean, well-lubricated, and in working order.

Prune trees and shrubs.

When winterizing your home, don’t forget about your landscaping. Winter weather can do some real damage to your trees and shrubs. Pruning and trimming can help protect your plants against winter damage while also preparing them for spring growth. For specific advice about your plants and trees, call a professional horticulturalist or landscaper who can help offer more detailed advice about how to prepare your plants for the winter ahead.

Stow any outdoor furniture or equipment.

Winter weather can do a number on your outdoor furniture, décor, and other equipment like grills or lawn mowers. Make sure to bring these items in to your shed or other covered space to store for the winter. If you don’t have a shed, you may want to cover these items to avoid any damage from the cold weather or rain.

Check home insulation.

Inspect your doors and windows for any cracks or leaks where air can escape. Make sure to seal these areas with caulk before winter arrives. Insulation is key to keeping your home comfortable while maximizing energy efficiency. When air escapes through cracks and leaks, your HVAC system ends up working harder than it should to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, causing wear and tear on your system’s parts. These air leaks also waste energy, which can drive up your electricity bills.

If you need a pre-winter HVAC tune-up in the West Linn, Tigard, or the greater Portland area, look no further than Rose Heating. Call us today to schedule your routine maintenance or any necessary heater repair: (503) 405-4438.

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