Rose Heating Blog

What Regular Maintenance Do Heating And Air Conditioning Systems Need?

Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is vital in making sure future problems and repair costs are averted. In addition, maintenance is also a necessity if you want your home heating and cooling system to be at peak performance. Accordingly, it is important to hire an HVAC expert to help you with annual maintenance. Here is a simple maintenance check list to keep in mind:


Tighten All Electrical Connections

Loose electrical wires can damage the entire HVAC system and will always be a danger to safety in the house. As part of your regular maintenance checks, make sure you have checked and tightened any loose electrical wires connected to your HVAC system.


Moving Parts Must Be Lubricated

It is also very crucial to have all the moving parts of your HVAC systems lubricated. In most cases, lack of enough lubricant can lead to wear and tear which ultimately will reduce the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Besides, lubricating moving parts is a good HVAC maintenance practice that prevents any damages.


Make Sure the Condenser and Evaporator Coils Are Clean

Dust and any other debris might also limit the efficiency of your HVAC system. In that case, make sure that the condenser and evaporation coils are cleaned and all the debris and dust removed regularly. Dirt often affects the efficiency of the condenser and evaporator coils; so it’s best to get rid of it as soon as possible.


Make Sure All Gas Connections Are Perfect

If you have gas connections to your HVAC system, make sure they are well fit and tight enough to prevent any future leaks. A leaking HVAC system is not only dangerous to the safety of your home but also incurs unnecessary energy expenses that can be avoided if the gas connections are in perfect shape.

There is no doubt HVAC maintenance is easy and if you can get an expert for annual regular maintenance, then there is no reason why you can’t get the most out of home heating and cooling systems. Follow us for more great articles on heating, air conditioning and home needs.

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