Rose Heating Blog

Whole Home Electrical Suppressor

Not many people understand how surge protectors work or their importance to a home or office. Due to this fact, most of them end up ignoring the whole subject. When buying surge protectors for your home or office, you have the option to choose between a single suppressor for individual electronic items, or a whole home electrical suppressor which is installed in the main breaker box. Since you value all your electronic equipments equally, it would be better to have the latter installed in your home. This way, when there are risky high voltages, every item in your house will be protected from power surges.

A whole-house surge protector will cost you an additional $200 to $500. While this might seem a little bit high for something that is not certain to happen, it can save you a lot more if there was a power surge in your home. Power surges can be caused by lighting or other issues with your power grid. Study shows that 80% of power surges are generated by the home owner.

Why Your Home Needs Whole Home Surge Suppressor

One of the reasons you need surge protection is the fact that there are more electronic devices using printed circuit boards now than it was the case back in the day. Modern dryers, washers and appliances all come with circuit boards which are more prone to power surges.

Unlike it was the case a while back, lightning is not the only thing you need to worry about when it comes to power surges. Most surges can be caused by motors and generators in items such as air conditioning units and appliances. While these surges are small and might not immediately destroy your items, they can degrade your items and eventually cost you more on repair.

Layering surge protection in the house will protect your entire home as opposed to a single suppressor dedicated to one outlet. It will cost you more but at the same time protect every electronic item in your house. If you are considering installing whole house surge protector in your home, then feel free to call us and we’ll advice on the best options to go for based on where you come from and other important factors.

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