Rose Heating Blog

Why You Should Be Wary of Bargain HVAC Repairs

Watch out for low-cost HVAC repairs. The price might look good but many contractors cut corners that end up costing you more money down the road.

The price on your HVAC estimate looks great, but do you know what your HVAC contractor is actually doing? Do you know if they are replacing what needs to be replaced and fixing the source of the problem? Or are they merely patching-up a system that is going to fail in another year or two?

When you’re looking for an HVAC contractor and considering various estimates, don’t just look at the price tag—there are many other elements you need to consider to ensure that you’re truly saving time and money.

Cheaper May Not Actually Be Cheaper

The cheap price on your HVAC contractor’s estimate looks great but it may not save you money in the long run. There are many situations in which a cheap repair now could cause worse problems—and higher costs—in the future. When you see that low-cost quote, you need to ask yourself why it is so low. It may just be too good to be true.

For example, say that your air conditioner stops working. One contractor inspects your system for fifteen minutes and suggests you repair a few small parts for $300. A second contractor inspects your system for an hour and suggests that you need to replace the entire unit for a cost of $3,000. It is quite possible that the first contractor is low-balling the bid to secure your project, knowing that the repair will not fix your system and that you will still need to replace it in another year.

There are many ways in which a low-cost quote can actually cost more money:

  • the work or part quoted may not be necessary
  • the cheaper part may be less efficient, noisier or more prone to break
  • the reduced part or work quoted may only ensure short-term performance

Cheaper is not always better, and with HVAC repairs, this is often a good rule of thumb.

Do You Understand Your HVAC System?

Do you know the ins and outs of how your HVAC system works, and when it is necessary to replace a part instead of repairing it? If you do, then you may not need this advice. But if you’re like the average person, you don’t understand your HVAC system that well.


Find a Contractor You Can Trust

It is essential that you choose an HVAC contractor you can trust, who will thoroughly inspect your system and perform the work that is needed for the long-term performance of your HVAC system. Even though the initial price tag might be higher, doing the necessary work will save you time and money over the long haul.

Rose Heating and Air Conditioning is dedicated to providing a quote you can trust. Call us today to schedule an inspection and follow us for more HVAC tips.

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